Every summer we look forward to attending the Bridgewater Country Fair, organized by the Bridgewater Volunteer Fire Department (BVFD). The Annual Bridgewater Fire Parade kicks off the festivities. What follows is a three-day classic country fair filled with excitement for all - from the carnival games and rides, tractor pulls, animals/livestock, baking contests, live entertainment and, who could forget, the delicious food - there is truly something for everyone!
This year, the Fair was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Bummer... BIG bummer!
Heavy on our minds, aside from missing out on ferris wheel rides and the best roast beef sandwiches around, is the fact that the BVFD depends in large part on the Fair proceeds to fund its operations for the year, and now, this is just not possible for 2020. In fact, the BVFD is the last self-sustaining Fire Department in the State of Connecticut. This has been a challenging year for us all and the BVFD, an unquestionably essential part of our Bridgewater community, has continued to provide additional support and services throughout this pandemic. It is time to pay it forward with whatever we can!
And so, as a way to remember the fun and unique experience of visiting the Fair and to help support the BVFD in any way we can, we created this puzzle and are super excited to share it with you! After the web hosting and production fees are covered, ALL of the proceeds go to the Bridgewater Volunteer Fire Department!
… and, now you get to spend your socially-distanced rainy (or snowy) days with a very challenging 513-piece puzzle guaranteed to renew your most cherished memories of the Fair as we count down to next year - August 20-22, 2021!
Enjoy! - Wobbly Qubits LLC - A local small business with a big heart for Bridgewater!
We Heart Bridgewater!
There's a special place in many of our hearts for the Bridgewater Country Fair! To learn more about the Fair or to simply reminisce, please follow these links:
Memories of the Bridgewater Country Fair: http://www.ctcrossroadsproject.com/exhibits/show/bridgewaterfair/memories
Official Site of the Bridgewater Country Fair: http://www.bridgewaterfair.com/
Please consider making a direct donation to the Bridgewater Volunteer Fire Department:
Bridgewater Volunteer Fire Department
100 Main Street S
Bridgewater, CT 06752